I love reading those long Christmas letters that detail a year's worth of fabulous events, carefully editing out the grungier moments. The other day, over lunch, two of my friends from college and I were commenting on how funny it would be if those letters included some of the hilariously random events that life throws out, as well as the positive. Mali, one of the most honest people I know, went so far as to claim that once she has kids she plans on writing a "keep it real" summary letter, with positive events (Family beach trip! Johnny made honor roll!) as well as the hilariously awful (Our dog took a dump in my husband's loafers!)
I love blogging because it unintentionally captures a full picture of life: the good, the bad, the ugly, and the wonderful. Looking back on my entries, here is a sampling of 25 moments in 2010:
I love blogging because it unintentionally captures a full picture of life: the good, the bad, the ugly, and the wonderful. Looking back on my entries, here is a sampling of 25 moments in 2010:
* Welcomed in 2010* Dealt with "the smell"
* Sweated buckets trying Bikram yoga
* Basked in our five day snow vacation
* Sipped wine at a tasting party
* Ran a 10K (and limped for days afterward)
* Turned 29
* Saw a "Broadway" musical
* Traveled to Italy!!!
* Wrote about hilarious pitfalls of Italy trip
* Gave a house tour (and shortly after that, took our house off the market...)
* Learned we had bats in our attic!
* Celebrated our four year anniversary
* No "to do's" for 72 hours (the best fourth of July ever!)
* Hunted for treasure
* Biked 8 mile night time ride
* Sat on a jury for a murder trial
* Went to the E.R. for most embarrassing injury ever
* Wrote seven posts in seven days... sort of* Decorated for Halloween
* Reminisced about my favorite month
* Said goodbye... and thanks
* Told about our traditions* Surprise Christmas
Over all...
2010 was a very good year! :)
On my next post, I'm going to tell you about my resolution for the new year (Dan came up with a great one!) and NYE.
Happy New Year!