Saturday, May 22, 2010

Going batty in my house

My last post was about my home sweet home. This weekend? Not so much. Here's the current gem of a house situation we are dealing with...

So, Dan and I were leaving home to go on a date tonight, and our sketchy neighbor suddenly called us over into his yard.

Neighbor (like he's asking about the weather): You know you guys have bats in your attic, right?

Us: Wha... Wait, BATS?!!

Neighbor (still nonchalant, but shifty eyes lighting up): Yep, they're sneaking in through that tiny opening under the roof.

Me (horrified): Dan?! What are we going to do?!

Dan: How many did you see?

Neighbor: Well, I watched around dusk and counted seven of them flying out.

Dan: *&%@!!

Me: SEVEN!?!

Neighbor: Yeah, I counted seven, but I was outside later than usual, so I'm guessing there's more like ten to fifteen in there.

Me (breathless and hyperventilating): Oh noooo.... OOOHHH NOOOO!

Neighbor: Yeah, bats really freak me out. I heard that you don't even know if you've been bitten by one. Like it feels like a tiny scratch, but then you suddenly are dripping with rabies. Do you all have any scratches?

Me: ...

In my head while still standing gaped mouth: Are Dan and I going to need to sponsor a "fun run for rabies awareness", a la' The Office?! Oh no. Oh no. Ohhhh noooo!

Dan (Mr. Take Charge): Thanks, man. We should go make some phone calls.

And how has your weekend been?

Bat picture from here. I was too grossed out by actual photos of bats, so I used clip art.


Josie said...

I realize that this is a completely terrible thing, but the way that you told this absolutely cracked me up. Hopefully you'll get things taken care of soon!
xxoo Josie

Christen said...

It is so ridiculously awful that it is funny! Apparently there are more than TWENTY in there. Cost of getting them out? $600.

Sometimes you have to laugh to keep from crying. :)

Hattie said...

I would be so freaked out! Living in Goochland makes me OK with most wildlife, but there is something very creepy about bats! I hope you can sleep in peace soon!

micah said...

OMG - that is crazy! At least you have a sense of humor about it :)

Anonymous said...

You guys are icons for crazed animals. It's like when Snow White sings in the forest and all the adorable animals come flocking over to her, except instead of deer, bunnies and birds you get rabid squirrels and bats. Kinda like a haunted house. So, any buyers yet? :)

P.S. I'm on your blog and I love it!! Yay! It's great because when I was little I always wanted to read your diary and now I can. Sweet sweetness. ---Guess who!

Christen said...

Sis!! You finally read my blog! :) I can't freakin' believe it!

You made my night!

Kelly@TearingUpHouses said...

Oh no! And twenty?!

It could be worse. At least you still have a roof, right? Aaand, I'll shut up now...

(It's be okay. Really.)


Anonymous said...

Bats! Yikes, that's a new one on me. 20! $600!! Being able to laugh at it, priceless. --SMC

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