Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Yard gone wild.

You know those unfortunate times when you are craving a change and you go to the salon and make some rushed hair decision? You know, your pushy stylist keeps telling you a new "do" will look fabulous, your blood pressure rises as more and more locks of hair surround your swivel chair, and you leave feeling horrified and rushing to CVS to buy a headband?

Well, that is exactly what happened to my yard. I just wanted a little change, a trim on a few ragged looking bushes. I left my husband and his brother for an hour with a chain saw.

This is the absolute horror show I come back to:

In case you can't tell, I have six foot bushes on the right side of my door and NO (zip, nada, zilch, zero) bushes on the left. My reaction? "What the @#*$*@!!!"

If I wanted to extend the hair metaphor then I would say this landscaping effort was Britney Spears-shaving head - attacking-paparrazzi-with-umbrella level atrocity.

Perhaps you need a close up of left side to see what I'm dealing with:

My proud-as-punch, Paul Buyanesque hubby didn't understand what the problem was when he came home. "We'll pick up some new bushes and plant again," he sweetly crooned when he saw me red-faced and sputtering. Fast-forward an hour later at the plant nursery when his jaw dropped at the price of mature bushes (and a few days later when we spent four blistering hours wrenching up the old roots), he began to understand my minor freak out.

Lesson learned: never trust boys alone with their (power tool) toys.

We've started to get our yard back together, so new pictures are coming soon. 'Til then, I leave you with our...

Home Sweet Home

Sometimes you have to laugh to keep from crying!


Strand Family said...

Oh boy! That's pretty frightening. Maybe you could get a pretty hydrangea for the left side? I've been working on my yard and plan to blog about it sometime. I've taken pictures of the neighbors yards for inspiration...I had no idea what I was getting into when the realtor said our neighborhood was known for its gardens. I'm so out of my league!

Hattie said...

On the bright side, whatever you plant to fill in the bald spot is sure to look awesome in comparison!

Heather said...

LOL!! This reminds me of what I came home to about 2 months ago!! My husband did almost the exact same thing... except it was all the bushes on the side of our house and the one biggest bush in the middle of front! We're still trying to get rid of the roots! I hope you've gotten all of your holes filled in now! Good luck!!

BTW- Just stopping by from SITS! Have a great day!

KK said...

At least you have a clean slate to plant on that side!

Multiple personalities.. said...

Oh wow, I totally understand your wanting to cry after coming home to that! Yes, boys and their power tools can definitely wreak havoc on unsuspecting innocent bystanders. It's nice that he's trying to make it better though. Have wonderful SITS day!

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