During my last post, my "organized self" wrote a stern letter to my "indecisive self" demanding that she get her act together and finish re-designing my office on Friday. My "indecisive self" is kinda lazy, but if she were to write a reply letter, I think it would go something like this....
Dear Organized Me,
Screw your letter.
I know you thought you would bully me into getting something done on Friday. I started out the day with sugar-plum visions of organizing my office (refer to perfect picture of Pottery Barn's organizing system at top of screen. Sigh.)
But I'm here to smugly inform you about how I ended up spending my day:
1. Waffling over which office accessories to buy at Anthropologie and Staples. Black? White? Modern? Traditional? Hey, maybe I should buy both the white and the black and then return the one that doesn't work out later...
2. Swimming with Dan. Don't give me that look. It was 92 degrees out.
3. Errands and then choosing a new toenail polish at CVS. After ten minutes, I finally settled on "Speedy Hot Tamale". And I must say, my toes look great!
4. Oh, and checking out this hilarious video of a dancing wedding party on See Jamie Run's Blog. You should go watch it! You'd love it! You really would!
Oh, and your idle threat about releasing pictures of the mess upstairs??
You wouldn't dare.
It would embarrass you so much more than it ever would affect me. Aren't you the one who furiously swiffers the floors before company comes over to keep up the pretense that yup-our-floors-really-are-always-this-polished? Like you would ever show our mess off to the world!
Lighten up, and stop being so bossy.
Indecisive Me
I stared at that exact photo in the Pottery Barn catalog for about 5 minues on Friday...what if? But do you think anyone is really that organized?
And what can be better for a summer day then swimming and hot tamale toes?
Here's something to put you in the proper frame of mind...SITS sent me by...and I'm having a giveaway where EVERYBODY wins, so please come on down!
this is so cute
Love the letters to yourself!! You have a lot of decisions to make, but your choices are fabulous!
Stopping by from SITS. :D
Thanks for the post, Erin! I absolutely love your scrapbooking blog. You're so creative! I actually tried to leave a comment on several posts, but no text box would ever appear (and there was no contact info posted). Maybe it's my computer? Anyhoo, I just wanted to let you know I loved your site (in case you ever come back to this post!)
Anthropologie throws me into a tizzy too :)
Ohhhh...I WANT this! Figures it's from Pottery Barn, too.
Love your letters!
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