Sunday, June 6, 2010

Will you still read my blog...

even though I've been MIA from blogland for the past two+ weeks?!

Shameful, I know!

Somehow I always forget that I have a tough time at the end of the school year. I'm dealing with that antsy feeling of -for-the-love-of-all-that-is-good-and-holy-!-how-can-it-not-be-summer-break yet?!?! I get it every year. Seriously! Here's a whiny post from last June.

What have I been doing?? Well...

* finishing grades and firmly declining grade grubbers when they beg, "Can I pllleeeaaassee do extra credit so that I can get a 98 A for the year, rather than a 94??"

* proctoring eleven hours of SOL testing (see whiny post from last June.)

* contacting parents of failing students, who are oh-so-surprised that *gasp* their child is still failing! Even though I've contacted them frantically throughout the entire year...

* chaperoning the school dance and cringing at all the adorable awkwardness (of course, girls and guys were divided into separate groups, with only the occasional brazen couple swaying to Beyonce's "Halo")

* and, oh, having to deal with bats in attic

All this left one very crabby Christen.

On top of that, Dan was away for eight days in Florida grading AP tests. While I liked having some time with friends and Bethy, I missed him like crazy and had trouble sleeping. I got about an average of five hours a night, waking up gasping with every creak of our sixty year old house. Does this happen to anyone else?!

Now, he's back, and I'm back, though! One more week until summer break, and then I'll finally have the time to do all these posts I've wanted to do!

Just for fun, I thought I would share Dan's snail mail to me while he was away...

Not sure if it's because of the good lighting or the cloth background, but Dan always seems to love his yearbook photo that his school takes of him. It's become a running joke in our house. One year, he even put it on the fridge, like an eager ninth grader. I think he was trying to be funny, but I've noticed that he always keeps the free proofs the company gives out...

Imagine my eye rolling and smiles when I got two love notes from Dan this week with these in the envelopes:

Do you see why I missed this incredible (and totally goofy) guy??

I also missed you, blogland, and will try to be better from now on!

lovely image via here


Josie said...

Hahaha, I LOVE you, Christen! Dan's snail mail cracked me up. I'm so glad you're going to be blogging a bit more -- can't wait to see what you have in store for us! And I hope things worked out okay with the bats!
xxoo Josie

Savvy Farmgirl said...

Yey! Glad to see you're back! I have been uber busy the past few weeks also, but I checked in last week to find you must be too cuz there were no posts!

My teacher friends are going through the same thing right now... although I don't think they can actually fail students. I don't know what would be more stressful. Sending a kid on that's failing, knowing the results will only get worse, or failing a child with parents that obviously do little to improve the situation. Feel for you!

Good luck with the end of school and welcome back!

Nat said...

Hahaha love the pic!! Don't worry we all go MIA once and awhile- a break always helps and don't worry we'll all keep reading :)

Heather said...

Glad you're back!!! Isn't it great working for the public schools and having off all summer!!! Enjoy your summer vacation!

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