Thursday, June 24, 2010

Ten things I love about you

Four years ago, Dan and I were married! Since this blog has been "list"less for some time and its theme is supposed to be all about lists, I thought it was high time to have one. This list is for you, Danimal!

I love you...

1. because you have a robotic "happy dance" that you reserve for what makes you most ecstatic: Reese peanut butter cups and snow days.
2. because you fist-bump me whenever Sue Sylvester comes on screen.

3. because you always laugh at the Fandango commercials.
4. because you are always in a pretty laid back, content mood... unless you get too hungry in which case, holy hell, are you cranky! Find a McDonald's for a biscuit, stat!

5. because you look equally sexy in a suit, jeans, sweater... or a t-shirt tuxedo.
Picture one of many we took to put on tables at our wedding.

6. because taking a walk with you is one of my favorite things to do.

7. because you are as voracious about reading a 600 page Steven Ambrose biography as a teenager with a stack of Maxims. You also go to nerdy... I mean, incredible... historical locations with me.

8. because you are a wonderful son, brother, brother-in-law, friend, and, of course husband.

9. because you dress up with me every Halloween (as long as I do all the work- ha ha!)
Picture of me putting finishing touches on his "cereal killer" costume two years ago.

10. Because no list could ever cover all my reasons.

Happy Anniversary!


Kelly@TearingUpHouses said...

Aw. I like this.

I also happen to like Reese's Peanut Butter Cups. Best candy ever.


A Wedding Story said...

Did you get married at Maymont?

Strand Family said...

Awww! That's very sweet!
(Does Dan read the blog? Chris doesn't so it seems sort of silly for me to do sweet fun posts like this)

Christen said...

Hi! To answer your question, Dan and I didn't get married at Maymont. We just took silly pictures holding table number signs and then put those photos as our table numbers at our wedding a month later. We got married in a small church and then has our reception at a manor house (Willow Manor).

Laura, yep, Dan does read my blog! He's quite the lurker though- never commented before. Ha ha!

Josie said...

This is PRECIOUS. I honestly teared up reading it -- I'm a bit of a sap. Wishing you two a very, very happy anniversary!
xo Josie

Kristin @ My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia said...

Cute! My friend was a Cereal killer too :) Thanks for your visit!

Anonymous said...

Dan is a lucky man.... --SMC

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