Saturday, June 19, 2010

Happy Father's Day!

Dear Hallmark,

We need to talk about your Father's Day cards. Yes, I know that most dads love football, golf, and fishing. There's nothing wrong with a card that contains jokes about farting or hogging the remote. I'm sure that those themes apply to many wonderful fathers out there. But what card have you designed for mine?

Hallmark, I went down your card aisle this past Thursday, and I was disappointed with your selection.

You see, while my dad is a whiz at fixing broken stuff (like he did to my sagging closet door last weekend), I can't imagine a tool box pop-up card defining him.
He's so much more than a "Mr. Fix-It", like listening to his two daughters when they had broken hearts in high school and all those nights helping with homework in junior high.

Yes, my father always wears a tie to work,

but a card with a tie on the front seems woefully inadequate for the guy who talks smack to his son-in-law after beating him in a raft race in our pool last summer.

My dad is not just some uptight "tie guy". I mean, c'mon, he plays chubby bunny with our family!

To be honest, none of your cards quite fit the bill.

Nope... he'd rather work on his novel than watch t.v.

Uh-uh. He might do yard work, but there was no mention of how hard he works as the only guy in an all female family. You can imagine that with 3 against 1, my dad had to suffer through a lot of rom-coms and "girl talk"!

And don't even get me started about this next one! To be honest, it completely perplexed me:

Um, not all dads have problems with "direct emotional contact"! At least my open, Italian father doesn't! I could tell a million stories to demonstrate this, but my favorite would be when he whispered how loved I was as he walked me down the aisle.
Therefore, I propose you create a new card. This one should be for all the intelligent, loving dads out there who are outnumbered by female family members - tell corny jokes- write touching, sappy e-mails- are able to fix anything- play chubby bunny- raft race- occasionally read their daughter's blog just to "feel connected"- and are great listeners.

Thanks for your attention in this matter.


Happy Father's Day, Dad!
We all love you!


Courtney D said...

Christin- This made me all weepy! this is exactly the sentiment I came to while trying to pick out a card for my hubby from "the kids!"
Touche' and what a special Dad you have! Happy DaddyDay!

Kelly@TearingUpHouses said...

This post cracks me up. Very sweet.


p.s. You have a great smile!

Strand Family said...

This is such a sweet post!
Papyrus had some good cards that aren't as stereotypical. My family tends to go for funny potty humor though so I'm pretty much in the mainstream.

Josie said...

This is possibly the sweetest Father's Day tribute I've read thus far, my dear girl. And so true -- I can never find a Father's Day card I like for my dad so always make my own!
xo Josie

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you really get your Dad. He's a lucky guy. Guess having two daughters brought out the best in him. Or perhaps it is that the three women in his life are the best part of life for him. --SMC

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