Wednesday, June 23, 2010


My sister is having people celebrate her birthday at a water park this Saturday, and I'm feeling like I need to get a tan fast.

I hope none of my friends and family were eating while reading this previous statement because they would probably choke in astonishment. A tan? Christen?!

You see, I'm a religious sunblock wearer. No, make that fanatic sunblock wearer. Correction, I'm a lunatic about wearing sunblock. Anyone out there ever heard the Bud Light's radio commercial that makes fun of obsessive sunscreen users? Well, my friend Mali cackled, "Christen, this is so you!" after hearing it.

"There are 24 hours in a day.
You're wearing 80 hour SPF protection
If the sun fails to go down, you'll be ready!"
- "Real Men of Genius" Commercial

Folks, I have two bottles of 85 SPF in my closet right now. It's sad when you realize you are even crazier than a parody.

I didn't used to be like this. I used to go to tanning beds before dances in college (although, I never used all my tan time because I was too claustrophobic when I put down the coffin-like top), and my friend Missy and I would put on oil and lay out by the nearby lake or on towels outside our dorm on the front lawn.

Little by little though, I stopped tanning completely. I gradually read more and more articles in every fashion magazine about the dangers of tanning. I'd like to say that I was just worried about cancer, but at first it probably was more my vanity that I didn't want wrinkles when I got older. Also, my sister had a membership to a tanning salon and was turning darker than Snookie on Jersey Shore. I was worried about the effects of all that time in the bed, but I couldn't very well be a nag and a bronzed hypocrite! On a serious note, the final straw was when a colleague developed skin cancer and had to have a very painful surgery on her face. That's when I started buying SPF sunscreen 40.

No judgement if you do tan, though! After all, I think I may have gone the other extreme now by now. 85 SPF? It may be time for an intervention.

But back to my problem. I don't usually care about being tan, but I don't want to be the only pasty person at the park this Saturday and need a little color. Here's where I need some advice. Ladies, do any of you know a good option for a faux glow?

"Get a spray tan!" you may say.

Nah, too costly and I'm scared after watching the episode of Friends where Ross goes to a spray booth.

I was thinking of a good "tan in a bottle" that isn't too slow. (I've used Jergins lotion before and it takes about sixty applications before I see anything.) Please pipe up if you know of any good products, or any tips to avoid orange hands. Because there are things worse than being too pasty...


Josie said...

Jergens has a new 3-day lotion that is supposed to work wonders, but I've also heard that the Neutrogena mist works well. I also am superpale but suddenly am craving a tan... Good luck, my dear!
xo Josie

Strand Family said...

I've never thought of you as pale. I would totally beat you in the pale contest. We would be great on beach vacations. I annoy people so much with my "Did you reapply your sunscreen?" And last year when I learned of coworkers who go to tanning beds I handed them the article that says tanning beds are as bad as mustard gas. We work for a cancer organization for goodness sakes!
I always tell people that I'm going for the Nicole Kidman pale look. (Plus, if I tan the only comment I get is "wow, look at all your freckles!"

Missy said...

Dude...use the victorias secret stuff. They have instant and gradual and both work quick (the instant is obviously quicker.) Just be sure to exfoliate before and go easy on the feet, knees, elbows or else they can look a little dirty. And wash in between your fingers well right after applying. I'm using it today as a matter of fact. No more oil for Mama...though I hear ya on it being partly the vanity thing. A few wrinkles have popped up already and makes me leery of too much sun. Though maybe those are child related...hmmm? Good luck!

Savvy Farmgirl said...

I'm probably a little late, but I used to mix moisturizer with tan-in-a-bottle. I found it went on more even and less likelihood for the orange hands.

I have also used the stuff that is half tanner, half moisturizer and it mixes when you press down on the pump. What I don't like about any tan-in-the-bottle is the smell.. I haven't found one that doesn't smell like self-tanner. Good luck!

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