Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Lighten up

Summery image via here.

As stated in my previous post, I'm shaking off the sticky remainders of my annual end-of-the-year funk. A few weeks ago, I was falling into coma-deep naps whenever I had time to lie down in the afternoons and gritting my teeth to keep from going off at my homeroom kids for launching sharpened pencils into my ceiling. I had gained five pounds so my dress pants were cutting into a developing muffin top. I felt... blah.

What's a blah girl to do? I dunno. I guess I just decided it was time to lighten up! I've cut down on my sweets, not dipping into the secretary's bowl of mini candy bars every time I make copies. I've been paring down my to do lists and having more fun: watching Glee and New York Housewives and reading the stack of books on my bedside table and celebrating Dan's bday this weekend. I've been eating fresh fruit and making my favorite salsa recipe (soooo good... try it here), swimming and running, and finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel (summer- holla!!).

Since I'm trying to lighten up, I thought I'd share my new curtains I got from Ikea. You might remember my curtain "before" that I shared in my house tour:

Yep, it was time for the too-short, blood red babies to go into storage!

Here's the lightened up after:

Pardon the lousy picture quality. For some reason, this room always looks darker in photos. In fact, I tried to make this picture as bright as possible by taking the shade off a nearby lamp. When I removed the bulb to take the shade off, it was so scalding that I dropped it so that it shattered in a zillion shards by my feet.


Oh well, while the "after" photos are not lightened up, at least my dining room (and mood!) are!

Anyone else lightening up their decor/ routine now that summer is almost here?


Josie said...

I love the new curtains! They really do open up the room and make it feel a lot lighter. And nothing is better than fresh fruit in the summertime!
xo Josie

Missy said...

Gorgeous curtains and I heart the roman shades BIG time...in fact I may ask you where they are from so that I may steal the idea!:)
We need to get together soon for game night and test out the room in person!
Love you,

Hattie said...

Yay, for bamboo blinds and white curtains! I love that breezy look.

Summer is almost here!!!!!!!!!!!

Savvy Farmgirl said...

Definitely lightens the room up!!

Anonymous said...

Christen, So glad to see two new blogs. The curtains look great, so glad you got the rods hung ok. Mom

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