Monday, June 1, 2009

The "is-it-summer-yet??" list

What's not to like about the last two weeks of school? Plenty!

1. All work and no play makes Christen a dull girl. (A dull girl who will organize all folders on iBook's desktop during SOL testing- which leads us to number 2.)
2. SOL testing for eight straight days. That's over 16 hours of proctoring or hall monitoring, my friends.
3. 2 weeks= feels like time warp - I am Bill Murray in Groundhog Day.
4. Can't listen to myself screech out, "All students making the beat box sound will stop immediately or else receive a lunch detention!"
5. I don't wanna eat lunch with said detainees! Why do I have to be punished too by silently chewing my Lean Cuisine with only my iBook and a ticked off teen sulking in the corner to keep me company?
6. NO ONE IS LISTENING TO THE FRAZZLED TWENTY-SOMETHING TEACHER IN THE FRONT OF THE ROOM. "Like, what is she talking about?" Then, I have to repeat the directions three more times. Grr...

Holy shitballs, I have nine days still. I'm not going to make it, folks!

In honor of the end of school, this sluggish, boring, stressful, "God-am-I-walking-in-quick-sand-because-I-feel-like-time-and-me-are-not-moving" last two weeks of school, I have compiled a really bad haiku:

Stuck in middle school
"Huh? What did the teacher say??"
June 12th: please come quick!

Go to my happy place* Go to my happy place * Go to my happy place! Dan and I are at parks during the summer enjoying perfect sunshine, lemonade, and clear skies. Picture to help me remember:

Ahhh, that's better! June 12th, I know you're out there! :)

1 comment:

Strand Family said...

This made me laugh! I love the beat box thing and that you are punished too by punishing them. Only one more week!

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