Tuesday, June 16, 2009

The "It's my blog, and I'll bore if I want to!" list

Sometimes, as I'm writing a blog post, I think...

Is this completely boring?

I mean, do other people really want to see a picture of lemon cookies I baked, or hear about Dan and I played Guitar Hero on his birthday? I wrote an entry about my sister's graduation that my sister, the person of blog honor, didn't even respond to. Even this particular entry, which started as a review of the amazingly touching movie Up, made me stop and think, Is this a big enough topic to write about? If I were playing "leap blog" (which I do often by clicking on links from one blog to another) and came across a post similar to mine, would I even stop to read it? Sometimes it doesn't seem like my little blog moments are quite significant enough. I don't have any adorable kid stories to share, I'm not using this blog to show off astounding artistry, I don't have any clever tips to reveal, and I'm not particularly witty, or biting, or hilarious, etc.

(By the way, I totally forgive you if you clicked on the above links for adorable kid stories or photography or decorating tips and got sidetracked from my oh-so-deep blog about blogging!)

I must confess that this nagging inner voice sometimes sounds just like my sister. Bethany is kind, caring, supportive, fiesty... and she has a very endearing mean streak. When I started this blog, I let my sister know that I had put her graduation picture and wrote a little story about how happy I was for her. While I knew I probably wouldn't share my blog with friends until I had really established it, I figured a story all about Bethany would hook her into being my first avid reader. Surely she would be interested in my to do list, my recipes, my witty observations on life.

Not quite. When I asked her about not making a comment, she gently commented that she didn't feel compelled to respond to the content on my blog.

Actually, her exact words were, "No one wants to read that boring shit!"

We both cracked up in big belly laughs for five minutes straight. While I'm sure this looks harsh in writing, she said it with love and a toothy grin. Now the running joke when we talk on the phone and she asks me a question that I happened to have written about, I huff and say, "Jeez, haven't you read my blog??"

My sister's pointed comment aside, this is my blog, and I can write about my small moments if I want to. So back to my review of the movie Up (I promise this post does have a point). I somehow dragged Dan on a double date to see this PG movie. I was grateful for the dorky 3D glasses if for no other reason than they hid my streaming eyes. I'm not usually such a sap, but there was a montage of an old man's memories with his wife that completely choked me up. It showed so many ordinary marriage moments: chores, set-backs, injuries, picnics, decorating, relaxing side by side with a book, meaningful glances, decisions about family, and kisses.

The movie made the point that the little moments are the real adventure. These little moments are what make up a life.

I think that's why I like this whole blogging thing. I find other people's everyday adventures fascinating, from seeing a friend's adorable baby wrapped in a new ducky robe :), to reading a total stranger's post about an herb garden that's starting to sprout up. I almost like these entries more than the earth-shattering events.

In case anyone else feels the same way, here are a few more small, kinda boring things that would make up my own life montage:

1. Dan modeling his Steve Urkel...er, I mean drop-dead-sexy 3D glasses after the movie:

(Get jealous, ladies. This fine piece of meat is all mine!)

2. Favorite poems that I re-read whenever I need a lift (This one happens to neatly correspond with today's blog topic!)

3. The occasional comment on my blog, though, I'm not hinting by any means- ha ha!, and also reading new posts from other people

4. The links I have in the top paragraph (Seriously, you must click on "astounding artistry" and check out those dream cookies.)

5. The overnight trip Dan and I have planned to a cheap (but cute!) bed and breakfast for our three year anniversary

6. A long run with a fully charged i-pod

7. The delicious stack of books on my bedside table that I actually have time to read now that it is summer

I know I'm being about as sentimental and sappy as one of those Precious Moments figurines, so I'll wrap it up for now. Not sure if anyone is still reading this, but just wanted to say thanks for visiting and commenting, and I'll continue to enjoy reading about your "little adventures," too.

Oh, and of course thank you for not calling my writing "boring shit"!


LC said...

I think that my blog is pretty boring too. But then I just think...it someone doesn't like it, they can just stop reading! I don't think yours is boring ;)

Strand Family said...

Oh my gosh! How did you get that message under leave your comment? That is hilarious! One of my biggest pet peeves is the amount of blog lurkers I have. I find out people have been reading my blog for months and think "You could only know that if you read my blog. I didn't know you were my audience. Why don't you comment?!" Not that my writing style has changed, but it is kind of weird to not know who is reading. Argh! I got everyone out of the woodwork by saying if you want to hear about the baby's birth you have to send me your email address. Ha! That did the trick. I'm lucky that my parents check the blog on a daily basis and my dad complains if a post isn't up in 7 days...my mom will only go to it if there are new pictures though. (By the way, thank you for the ducky robe shout out).
I don't think your blog is boring at all. I actually recommended it to a friend who was asking for fun new blogs.
You are the second blogger on my list who has reviewed Up (check out Elisa's blog). I guess I'll have to see it...Chris and I are going to have our second date night since Penelope was born. We planned on seeing Away We Go, but maybe we'll see Up.

Carlito86 said...

Aww the main reason I love reading blogs is for the random boringness people put on! I find other peoples lives, no matter how boring they are, fascinating!

Hattie said...

I think we all have our "Why isn't anyone commenting on my blog!" moments. However, I really don't think you have a boring blog at all. Most people read blogs because they enjoy people and like reading about the everday lives of both friends and strangers. I bet you have lurkers you don't know about! One way to find out is to get a free Google Analytics acount. I found out that even though I only have about 3 comments per post, over 400 people view my blog per month. I was super surprised, but also encouraged to keep blogging :-)

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