Thursday, October 22, 2009

Giving my guests the finger!

Dan and I are throwing a murder mystery dinner party in a few weeks. It's been on my whimsical "to do" list for a while now because... A.) I wanted an excuse to use the "good" china and attempt to whip up something gourmet, B.) I used to love the campy movie Clue and thought it would be fun to have my own version, with lots of drinking involved, of course... and C.) wanted to throw a Halloween party, but our house is a bit too small to have a raging fiesta.

I know, I know... some of you are probably thinking, "Hey, you forgot D.) You are totally cheesy", which I am, but that's beside the point.

Anyway, I just wanted to update you all on my fun invitation I made for this dinner party. As the oh-so-cheeky post title indicates, I did indeed give my guests "the finger", except not in the "Get the *&%$# out of my lane!" kind of way. Instead, I borrowed this invitation idea from Martha Stewart:

Isn't this a spooky spoof on the old "tie a ribbon around your finger to help you remember" adage?

Anyway, last week, I decided it was time to get crafty. I bought rubber severed fingers, black boxes and ribbon, and red shredded paper from Michael's. I hot-glued a black bow around each of the fingers, lined the boxes with red, set the finger on top, and wrote the date of the dinner party along with "Don't forget!" on the top of the box. Of course, I also sent descriptions of each character and the description of the Mafia story.

The below photo didn't come out very well, but here it is:

Stay tuned for more about this par-tay, as well as an update on new "just do it" challenges" that are coming soon!

Martha Stewart image from here


Aline said...

it turned out awesome!

I had seen those and thought that they were so cool!

Hattie said...

I can't imagine how freaked out I'd be if I opened a box like that unexpectedly! Super creepy! I love the idea of the murder mystery dinner and I can't wait to see/hear how yours goes.

Ali said...

Wow, nice and creepy job!

Strand Family said...

You have to report back on your friends' reactions! Can't wait to hear about your dinner party.

kelly@TearingUpHouses said...

those fingers are sooo creepy! love! here's some more halloween goods:

by the way, thanks for the (very) generous comment on my blog. i'm so flattered!


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