Sunday, October 18, 2009

The "word" list

"You got that right!
Word to your mother!"
- Vanilla Ice
"Ice, Ice Baby"

"A word is dead when it is said, some say
I say it just begins to live that day!"
- Emily Dickinson

Sundays in our household are a time for laundry, church, grocery shopping, grading, wiping away disgusting hair follicles from sink (do men ever clean up after shaving??), swiffering, folding, hanging, planning dinners for the week, and in general becoming cleaner, more organized human beings. At least, that's what is supposed to happen. Except, these days usually end up looking more like this: Dan watching Redskins, sulking over defeat, both of us taking naps, going to coffee house together, and wasting endless hours on the Internet.

Today, during one such hour on the Internet, I found, an amazing website where people can enter their blog URL or a post, and it will create artwork with your most used words.

I absolutely love anything to do with words, from collecting interesting quotes and playing with the magnetic poetry on my file cabinet at school, to teaming up with Dan to beat our family's asses at Scrabble and Taboo. And I'm all about words that are pretty, despite what they may mean. In fact, during a lazy lunchtime last year, my very bored colleagues and I talked about words that we thought were beautiful ("tiramisu", "cantaloupe", we even had a general consensus that the word "chlamydia" was way too pretty to be a term for an STD!) and words we hated to say ("moist", "puberty", one colleague for some inexplicable reason hated the word "trousers"?)

Of course, being all about words, I was curious of what the word art for this blog would look like.

Here it is...

And, it can easily be put in different shades!

Some of my top words? "List" (to borrow an early 90's quote... "no, doy!"), "make", "create", "Dan", "going", "bake", "simple", "summer", "teacher", "need".

Pretty neat, huh?

I'm just glad my word art didn't include words from this post. I don't think anyone would have understood if "chlamydia" or "puberty" had been in my wordle! Yuck.

Go check out your blog word art!

"What's in a name?
That which we call a rose
by any other word would smell as sweet"
- Romeo and Juliet



Strand Family said...

I love this idea! I'm going to do this right now. Funny idea that Penelope is going to be pretty big :)
I've had the pretty/ugly word discussion many times! I hate the word panties, and I wish we used fortnight in the US. I loved being in Scotland and saying "we are going on that trip in a fortnight" so much more exciting than 2 weeks.

Strand Family said...

Darn! It seems to have only picked up words from my current page so there are a lot of sports terms...kind of funny since that whole post is about how I don't understand watching sports! Still a great idea. I may use wordle to create the cover for the blog book I'm making.

Hattie said...

I heart wordle! I haven't made one of my blog, but I've made some to use as sinage around the library by typing in the words I want (Library, books, love, information, media, etc.) They look super cute!

Cheryl said...

Hi Christy Girl, Great blog. One of my personal favorites--accoutrement--I agree about clymadia--sounds like a flower. Love, Mom

Aline said...

those are so cool!

Anna Whiston-Donaldson said...

i've wondered how people make those word pictures. very cool!

can't believe we both just wrote about MOIST and TROUSERS!

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