Sunday, August 16, 2009

The secrets list

Secrets, secrets are such fun!This secret and illustrated card are courtesy of Post Secret.

How can you not want to read a juicy secret like the above one?!

Since I'm on vacation right now and can sleep in as long as I want tomorrow, I've been doing a bit of late night Internet searching and checked out a website called Post Secret that a friend had told me about. Basically, it's a blog (and series of books) where anonymous people write down a secret on an illustrated post card to post to the world. I wasn't crazy about all of the secrets I read. If you go to the website, you'll see that some are pretty disturbing. I did, however, chuckle or empathize with several of them, and thought, What a great list idea!

My List of Secrets:

1. I'm scared that some day dinner at T.G.I. Friday's will be my idea of an amazing date night.
2. The biggest reason I want a dog? I love how freakin' excited they are when you come home!
3. Sometimes I peak at the ending of a book. And then get mad at myself.
4. I want to win teacher-of-the-month to feel validated for the hard work I put in (and because I want to win the handful of gift cards.)
5. I think about what kind of mother I will be whenever I talk with my fellow mommy friends.
6. Going along with #5: I constantly wonder how I will know when it is time to try for a baby.
7. I tried to finish an easy level Soduko puzzle with Dan on a recent plane flight. We gave up.
8. I've become a bit obsessive about wearing sunscreen now because I'm trying to reverse the minor tanning bed damage I did in college. I also love fake tanning lotions.
9. I love writing posts on this blog and am so grateful for those who actually read them. :)
10. I sometimes compare my blog to others that are absolutely brilliant, that are funny, and that have a hundred followers. Then I wish my blog was more brilliant, funny, and followed.
11. I like reading celeb magazines because it's refreshing to judge without any guilt.

Hope you enjoyed my little secrets! Here's another one from Post Secret you might like:

On my next post, I'll let you know about my "Just do it #3: Cook a full meal for eight".


Ali said...

I LOVE Post Secret. It's such a great idea. Have you seen the actual books they have? Very cool.

Hattie said...

Fun list! I also long to win one of those teacher awards.

Strand Family said...

I almost bought one of their books a few years ago, but there were too many depressing/serious secrets to be a good flip through on a coffee table book. I loved your secrets! I must say coming home to an excited dog is a very good feeling.

Strand Family said...

Oh! And I've done one easy sudoku on the computer. I think I asked for "help" (cheating) about a dozen times, got a headache and said never again. All of my family did books of them on vacation. Ugh...They say easy puzzles like sudoku can help fight alzheimers...I'll learn a language, play a new instrument and write a haiku every day rather then do sudoku

heidandmatt said...

Th etanning lotion I am in love with: Alba Golden Tan Sunless Tanning Lotion. Does't get on my clothes(I wear a lot of white), is hypo allergenic, paraben free, no synthetic colors, 100% vegetaiand ingredients and no animal testing. I use it on my face & my body & it lasts for several days even after showering or re-apply each day for a darker and NATURAL tone. Only downside: I have to order it online from

TheLab said...

I just love this list idea. It's so awesome. My secret is I wish I had thought of that. Ha ha :)

Very good secrets list! I hope you get teacher of the month and get the fistfull of coupons! WHOO HOOOO!

JennyMac said...

Oh, I hope #1 never comes true! :) LOL.

And PostSecret is incredible.

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