Thursday, August 6, 2009

The "lessons from family vacation" list

To grandmother's house we go...
Dearest husband,

Here's a blog shout-out just for you:

Thanks for being so unbelievable while surviving our three day visit in Massachusetts with my two grand-mothers and entire extended family! I am more in love with you now, having seen you endured a conversation with my ancient Aunt Jean about her hernias, then ever before.

It's true what your mom says... you really can talk to anyone about anything.

Let's recap on a few things you've learned about my family:

1. There is NO nookie at Grandma's house. Ever.

See below for Grandma's guest bedroom, the opposite of "sexy".

2. I have fourteen first cousins. They are funny, friendly, and say the word "wicked" to describe everything from food ("Lenny's pizza is wicked good") to the weather ("it's been wicked rainy").

3. My grandmother loves pink and blue.

I'm not kidding...4. The best t.v. you can hope to watch: a static-filled version of some 80's cop show on a television older than either of us. And Internet? Forget about it!

5. On any given visit, you will listen to so many TMI topics, including constipation, hysterectomies, and enemas, while eating Grandma's sugar-salt-fat-taste free, low calorie food (there's a reason she still looks pretty great!)
While we're on the subject, thanks for pretending to like her diet bread and sugar-free syrup French toast. I promise that I'll make it up to you...

What I learned about you during this visit:

1. You can charm anyone, from listening about Fluffy and her medical ailments to chatting to my middle school cousins about football.

2. You unconsciously adopt a slightly Northern accent when talking to my cousins. "Cahr" rather than "car"?? You were born in Tennessee, for pete's sake!

3. I am one "wicked" lucky girl for having married you.

Love always,



Hattie said...

What a sweet husband you have! I had to laugh at your Grandma's version of french toast!

Ali said...

This is so sweet!

Heather said...

I LOVE the blue and pink! It's wicked cute! Hehe! Hope you had a great time! I love getting together with family!

Carlito86 said...

LOL @ the pink bathroom!! How cute, this post really made me smile :)


Strand Family said...

I read this while on my family vacation and then showed it to Chris to prove things could be worse :) I'm sure it was great to see all your family!

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