Monday, October 4, 2010

Just do it #13: Participate in fantasy football

Via here

I've managed not to pay a lick of attention to football season for twenty-nine years now.

Sure, I watched past Super Bowls for the hilarious half-time commercials and have gone to a Redskin game or two because I can enjoy a live game, even if I don't know anything about the plays or players. (Mmm... I especially like the salted pretzels at those games. What can I say? Somehow it always comes back to food...)

Oh, and I wear my teacher ID clipped onto a Redskin lanyard, but only to help me have something to talk about with my sports-obsessed students. While I don't watch the games, I'll pump Dan for information about one memorable play, which I'll casually bring up to a student like this:

Students, seeing my lanyard: "Did you see the game last night, Mrs. T?"

Me: “Uh, yeah, that tackle by Cooley was incredible!”

Students: Yeah! He’s like a freakin’ tank! Although, I don't think he's as good as (player I've never heard of), do you?"

Me: "... Sure, what you said."
I was a football fraud.

Anyway, I decided it needed to stop by learning about some teams and players, so I begged Dan to let me team up with him as a co-coach on his work fantasy football league. My husband is an intense fantasy football follower, spending his Sundays alternating between euphoria and, well, having an adult version of a tantrum. I thought it would be fun to shake our fists at the television together for a season.

I started with the best intentions. I really did. However, when it came time to sit down and hear the stats and background on each player, I kind of got bored and put it off. In fact, the only thing I took a vested interest in was coming up with a clever name for our team. Dan vetoed my suggestion of "Team Our-last-name" because he saw through my blatant attempt at a cheeky take on the whole "Team Edward" and "Team Jacob" thing. In fact, his exact words were, "How did you manage to bring up Twilight during a fantasy football discussion?!

(Speaking of Twilight, sorry, but I can't resist posting another picture from Somee Cards, my new favorite website to waste time on:)

Ha ha, funny, right?

Hmm... I guess do find any excuse to steer a topic away from sports!

Back to my fantasy football challenge:

Anyway, Dan ended up creating the team without any of my input since I put it off for too long, and he needed to get the website up and running. I felt a little guilty, but still haven't watched a game. The extent of my participation? Asking "How'd we do this week, hon?" and daydreaming about what new restaurant we could eat at with the $60 from the winnings. (See how it always comes back to food?)

Once a football fraud, always a football fraud. I guess there's always next season?

Verdict: Total fumble.

To make up for this, I'm trying another "Just do it Challenge" for #13 where I write seven posts in seven days. See you all tomorrow!


Josie said...

Haha, I love this. I'd never have the patience -- or any kind of expertise -- to do this!
xo Josie

Strand Family said...

This is on my "I never want to do this in my life" list. I say good effort at even showing enthusiasm for one second. I think there are more frauds out there then you realize. Chris watches football, but doesn't watch baseball. So he can talk baseball at work he catches 10 minutes of sports talk on the radio.

Shannon said...

Yeah, I'm clueless on the sport of football and have zero interest in trying to learn. But I love the hub-bub that surrounds Sunday afternoons in the fall, ya know?

Speaking of fantasy football, have you seen the show The League on FX? It's such a dude show but it's hysterical.

Anonymous said...

As I recall, the best thing about baseball games is the food too. What is it about food? Or is it baseball? -smc

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