Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Fall foods

Can I just say that I love blogging? Why? It forces me to try new recipes and little projects that I wouldn't normally make time for, such as the fall treats below. Why else? Because I won a giveaway yesterday!! A big blog shout-out to Shannon from Shannanigans! If you haven't checked her out yet, please do. She's hilarious, stylish, and so creative. Who knows? You just might win something, too!

Now on to the food...
Apple, Cheddar, Rhyme Galette

I started by making an apple, cheddar, and thyme galette (recipe from fresh365) because I absolutely adore any dish that mixes sweet and savory. And anything with cheese?! Sign me up.

(Please ignore the damp hair and no make-up...yikes!)

The galette turned out really pretty, puffy up and golden brown. The apple parts of the tart were delicious, but it still wasn't my favorite dish because it was kind of salty. If I tried this again, I would use mild cheddar rather than sharp and eliminate the salt altogether. Just a tip, in case you want to make it for yourself.

Then, I also made...

Pumpkin-Apple Muffins

photo from here 'cause mine looked flat but, trust me, were still delicious!

You all already know I have an obsession with pumpkin desserts. As I mentioned in my September list, I finally tried baking pumpkin-apple muffins because they combined my two favorite fall flavors (well, with the exception of candy corn. Sigh...) Unlike the galette, these were fabulous and completely worth the monumental mess of flour all over my kitchen.

Here's the recipe, in case you'd like to try them:
* 3 cups flour
* 2 teaspoons baking soda
* 2 teaspoons baking powder
* 1 teaspoon cinnamon
* 1 teaspoon nutmeg
* 1 15 ounce can pumpkin (NOT pumpkin pie)
* 2 cups sugar
* 3/4 cup oil
* 4 eggs
* 2 cups peeled, chopped apples, folded in last after mixing all of the above ingredients.

Bake at 400 degrees about 16 to 20 minutes. (I did 16).
Makes about 3 dozen and freezes exceptionally well. Serve with warm apple cider!

I've been eating them for breakfast because they're not too sweet and have big chunks of apple in them. The best part? They made the whole house smell like fall: apple, cinnamon, nutmeg, and pumpkin. Drool...

I'm already planning what other fall food I'm going to make later for my campy horror movie night and Halloween dinner that I'm having for a couple friends. I'm thinking of going all out cheesy by making some of the spooky Martha recipes, like "croaked messiurs", "shoo vampire soup" (garlic!), and some of these finger breadsticks:
Too much? Ha ha! Let the tackiness commence! Although we might not be in the mood for eating after watching the gore-fest of Zombieland and Bride of Chucky...

Via here.

I'll keep you all posted!


Strand Family said...

mmmm...both of those look amazing. I may try that gallette this weekend. I'm making pumpkin oatmeal for breakfast tomorrow. It will be my first time adding it and I can't wait.

Josie said...

Oh, that tart looks SO good! Anything with apples screams fall to me... And I LOVE Martha recipes! So fun and creative.
xo Josie

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