Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Grammy's List: Part 2

I'm back to finish my list of ten little things to know about my beloved Grammy who passed away two weeks ago. I have to say it's been really wonderful to go through old pictures and write this list. The memories make me smile!

And by the way, I really appreciate you all for reading!

My grammy (17)

Last time we left off at #6. Here's the second half:

5. She loved to travel! She had many adventures all over the world, from Russia to France, Italy to Alaska, Germany to Mexico.
- My grammy (in her 20's) on honeymoon in New York City

Years after my grandfather passed away, my grammy, now in her 70's, decided she wanted to see Israel and Egypt. Determined, she joined a tour group and traveled half-way around the world by herself!

4. She loved movies, but never read reviews before going to see them. She would have no clue what she was about to watch and would leave the theatre completely scandalized.

I talked to her every few weeks, and she would give me the run-down of her opinion on each movie. Here are two of my favorite reactions:

Grammy: "Christen, there was A LOT of sex in it!"


Um... duh!

And my favorite reaction...

"I thought it was going to about an Italian man named Machiete. But it wasn't! It was about a man who carried a big knife around and killed people!"


And that, my friends, is how my sweet Grammy ended up seeing a slasher movie.

At least she could laugh about it!

3. She sewed all her own clothes, from shorts and tops, to gowns and bathing suits.

Grammy and Me (high school)

2. She gave the best hugs.

Grammy congratulating me at graduation.

And #1....

1. Full disclosure: I had a difficult time writing this last item on my list. Since it is #1, I felt like it needed to convey something bigger about her, somehow capture her essence.

I thought about writing about how much she was loved. Because she was as loveable as can be.

I thought about writing about her roles as a wonderful sister, mother, wife, grammy, and friend because she relished her connections with others.

But I ended up deciding to write this instead:
She had joy.

Grammy had tough times in life. She said goodbye to many friends. She lost two beloved husbands. She watched as her son developed muscular dystrophy and took to a wheelchair. There were many events in life that could have completely broken her spirit.

Yet, she rallied, she loved, she smiled, she didn't give up. She appreciated the small things, like a phone call and a trip to see the ocean and her cat. Even at the end, she made a comment that indicated that she had had a good life. She exuded joy.
And she brought so much joy to all those around her.

Love you, Grammy!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your're right about grammy. The pictures show it. Joy! Thank you so much. --SMC

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