Monday, October 15, 2012

"A little bit pregnant"

    I was reading a friend's blog post the other day about comparisons, and it really resonated with me, especially this quote she included:

     The first thought that came to my mind: "True!"   The second thought:  "My blog is definitely my highlight reel."   From trips to recipes, inside jokes to fun projects, I keep this blog mainly as a cheesy scrapbook to things that make me happy.  I love scrolling back to look at, say, Dan's hysterical-to-himself posed pictures or re-read about our family's surprise Christmas.  That doesn't make my blog phony or embellished or untrue.   It simply focuses on my highlight reel.        

      I guess this post is about the more murky "behind the scenes".

     Lately, I've been thinking that there are few black and white things in life, but pregnancy is supposed to be one of them:  you either are, or you are not.   Like the saying goes, you can't be a little bit pregnant.

     I am not.  Just wanted to clarify that before going any further.

       Of course, you all are reasonable people who believe me the first time I say it, unlike a bold colleague the other day.  She came up to me during the ear-shattering pep rally, and I couldn't hear her question to me.  She smiled knowingly and crowed, "You're so out of it today!  I think you're pregnant!"
       She didn't know.   She didn't know about the boxes of ovulation tests we've blown through.  She didn't know about my feelings of wistfulness when I see other people's chubby newborns on Facebook.  She didn't know about Dan's hilariously uncomfortable visit to a certain doctor's office. She didn't know that I miscarried last year.  To be fair, she was just making a cheerily innocuous comment, hoping to be the first to discover some minor bit of gossip.

   I choked out something like, "Uh, no, not pregnant."  I thought that was the end of the interaction, but somehow it wasn't. She began to rationalize her sleuthing skills.  "You had that doctor's appointment on Monday, and you look exhausted!"  

** NOTE to self:  Re-stock concealer. **

       At this point in the conversation, I would not have been surprised if she had peeled up my shirt to poke my muffin top and squealed, "There's your baby bump!!"

        Getting pissed, I repeated again, "Seriously, NOT with child." 

      She just smirked, all Uh-huh, whatever preggers!  I'm on to you!  

      When I denied it a third time, she stopped smiling because I think she felt a bit embarrassed and chirped, "Well, it'll happen any day now!"  It was her way of being reassuring, after an exchange that felt like a punch to the (baby-less) gut.  It sucks to have to convince someone that you're not pregnant.

     Not even a little bit.

     The idea of being a little bit pregnant is, of course, false.  But it reminds me of another rather thoughtless comment made by a different teacher lately.  She had asked me about how the baby making was going, and I confessed that I was frustrated and also scared of miscarrying again, like I had the first time.  She commiserated with me about this fear, and then launched into a story about her sister losing her pregnancy at ten weeks, which was understandably devastating to her.  At the end, she said, "I mean, Christen, she was really far along, though.  It wasn't like yours where you were barely pregnant."

     Again, she just didn't know.  She didn't know what that night was like for us.  She didn't know how I couldn't stop crying, how I ransacked my house and threw the bib I bought to reveal the news to Dan, the pregnancy book, and my diary and slammed them away in a drawer that I haven't opened since.  She was trying to be reassuring that things could be worse.  I've thought a lot about this a lot and have decided that as well-intentioned as that comment was, she's just plain wrong.  There is no "barely pregnant".  I was. And even though it was over in seven weeks, it didn't make it easy to lose. I still think about it all the time.

    If it sounds like I'm throwing a pity party for myself, that's not my intention.  I know there are more extreme losses than mine, that people struggle for years with conceiving, that couples spend thousands in rounds of IVF.  There are so many things to treasure about having this time with just Dan: sleeping in, our winery visit the other day, date nights with no need for a sitter...  It's not lost on me!   If I need to be patient on waiting for a family, my best friend is a pretty damn good person to do it with.  No pun intended.  It's just lately other people's comments have mingled with my own frustration.  Anyone else been there? 

     Like I said before, there are very little things in life that are black or white.  This blog might usually show one side of my life, my highlight reel, but I thought it was worth giving some screen time to my frustrations and, yes, even sadness, too.


Strand Family said...

Ugh! I hate people who constantly ask if you are pregnant. Don't they know anyone who struggles with infertility? Crazy!
And I'm with you that it doesn't help to point out that someone could have it worse. A miscarriage is hard no matter how many weeks you are.

I'll be sending you good thoughts! I love the highlight reel, but I know from experience that it can be therapeutic to share the behind-the-scenes too.

Christen said...

Thanks for the comment, Laura! It means a lot :)

Laura said...

Oh my gosh! I cannot believe those people! I'm so so sorry. And a loss is a loss. Period. It doesn't matter when it happens.

Thank you for being vulnerable! I know that's not easy, but I'm sure there are so many people who can relate to this. And I love how you talk about the time you are getting with Dan right now. So glad you have each other, and I'm sending you good thoughts for the future!

Jenna at Homeslice said...

You're so right about blog's being a highlight reel. Most of the time they lift us up, but once in awhile it can be hard to look at so much perfection! I'm so sorry you guys have been struggling with this, I have no advice, seems to me like you're handling it unbelievably well. Ignore the insensitive (if you can!)

TheLab said...

I agree with this post so whole-heartedly that I can barely think of how to comment. You said it all. I have zero tolerance for people who COMPARE losses of life. That's sick. That's inhuman. I had a miscarriage as well, I was 6 weeks along, and it was real loss, a real life. I'm sorry you had to endure that conversation. I had to endure one like it from a family member.

I know two people very, very close to me who are hoping for children and it is taking longer than they expected. I hear what they're going through, what mental games they play with themselves, what they have to endure from the idiot public.

People say stupid things to everyone, in every situation. I get looked at like a weirdo for wanting many kids. I have a few friends who do not want kids and are labeled for that. And then my friend and family who are hoping for kids and have to endure the invasive questions. I'm a waitress at night, and I've waited tables the entire way through my last two pregnancies - the things people said to me, UGH. From "you should be home with your other babies" or "this is dangerous, you know" (it's not), or "why do you keep doing this!?"

One night, talking to my friend who is going through IVF, we started to compare the STUPID and RUDE things people say to us, and it really made us laugh. We needed that. And while I hate, hate, hate putting a link to my own blog in a comment (I think I've only done it one other time in 5 years), I'll paste this one. You may have read it a while ago, but it might resonate with you, or give you a chuckle.

Anyway, keep your chin up. And then MAKE FUN OF THE IDIOTS ON YOUR BLOG!!!!!!!!!!! Yiippppeeee!

Mrs. 5C said...

What a wonderful thought - the highlight reel! I need to chant that in my head on a regular basis. Thank you!!!

Infertility SUCKS. People (even well intentioned people!) make it So Much Worse. Blogging helps... I wrote small novels over at my other blog: Ovulation Adventures. and since I notice you're a Richmond-er, too... Dr. Steingold is the nicest RE in town. I wish you MUCH MUCH luck, lots of hope, and even more patience for the horrible comments people come out with.

Christen said...

Thanks for the comments guys!

Leslie, the link you gave is one of my absolute posts of yours!! I actually wrote a comment on it when you first posted it, and, let me tell you, you hit the nail on the head!

My favorite line? "My friend and I talked about how disgusting it is for people to ask married couples (thirty seconds post "I Do")...if they're "trying."So what you're asking me is: am I having lots of sex with my husband specifically for the purpose of making babies? Creepy, dude, seriously."

Amen, girl.

Sarah, that's so cool you are a Richmond girl! Thanks for the recommendation; I'll definitely look into him!

Anonymous said...

Christen, this post obviously touched people deeply. I know other touched me deeply. We all need a highlight reel, and hopefully the reel is full of peak experiences. Bit I suspect losses are also part of that reel. I know for me that is true. Finding ways to deal with loss can make us stronger and more sensitive to the pain of others. Of course, we don't seek out losses and we hope people will honor our losses to help is get through them. I am so sorry you have had to deal with insensitive people in addition to the loss itself. I still think of the miscarriages in my life and the length of the pregnancy had no relationship to the profound sense of loss. Thank
God our highlight reels include wonderful memories and loving people too. -SMC

Aubrey said...

Hi new friend... I figured I'd start here as I peruse your blog. Just wanted you to know that I totally get it! I'm sorry for all that you've been through and I pray that this will be your year. None of this is fair at all. I'm envious of your ability to still post about life's *good* things while dealing with this... As you can see from my blog, I haven't quite mastered that yet :) Hang in there!! xo

Anonymous said...

like Aubrey, I started here in getting caught up with your blog! Mine is the TOTAL oppositite - instead of posting about the fun things we have done this month (two vacations, lots of nice Christmas celebrations, a wedding) I have focused on all the backstage, oppositive-of-highlights reel. If someone who knew me in real life read my blog, they would be shocked. Maybe in the new year we will both figure out an awesome balance for baring our soul and celebrating the good things! I hope 2013 is a great year for you and I look forward to following your blog!

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