Saturday, June 4, 2011

Kicking it old school

It's ridiculous how much I love chalkboard paint. But you already knew that, as seen when I painted this mirror for our bedroom and a pumpkin on Halloween.

What's not to love? It covers easily, let's you write funny messages, and has that old school charm. Literally: old school.

See our boring kitchen door:

Then, when I saw this door on Pininterest, I decided to get painting:

It's too easy of a project to even give a play by play of the directions, but I will anyway. Wipe the door with a cloth, tape off the edges, roll on three coats, touch up the edges with a brush= instant chalkboard!



I liked it so much, I painted the back of the door too in order to have a place to write our menu for the week:

Ignore the messy edge at the top. I have some retouching to do still. Oh, and can you tell we love enchiladas? It's a weekly (sometimes twice weekly) meal.

Update on my spring to do list: 4 out of 5 so far.

X Paint a chalkboard in my kitchen = DONE!

I'll share another picture I took for a contest to win a freezer full of Ciao Bella icecream, since said photo includes my new chalkboard door. Spoiler alert: I didn't win. But did I really need a freezer full of gelato anyway??

(Ciao Bella's blood orange sorbet is my new obsession. 60 calories, no fat, absolutely unbelievable. If you haven't tried it already, go to Target and pick up a pint. For realsie.)

* Tidy up landscaping in front yard = still a total sh*t show

This may not happen before summer.

X Find perfect burger recipe that doesn't fall apart = DONE!

"Perfect" may be stretching it, but we were pretty pleased with above Bobby Flay oh-so-simple burgers, which you can't even call a recipe. They came out really juicy at our BBQ. I topped mine with guacomole and mango salsa.

X Have a cook-out for friends or family= DONE!

X Make our backyard somewhere we could hang occasionally= DONE!

Summer list coming soon!

1 comment:

Josie said...

You're making such good progress on your list, doll! Your chalkboard is adorable and I'm so glad that your recipe-hunting was successful.
xo Josie

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