Saturday, October 23, 2010

And the CSN giveaway winner is...

I know all of you are dying to know!

All six of you, that is.

You are leaning towards your computer monitor right now, aren't you?!

Fingers are crossed?!

Toes, too?!

You're thinking: just get to it already, dammit! I have to know!!

You're identifying with Kate Winslet at the Oscars,
just waiting for her name to come up after five nominations...

Ha ha! Just playing around!

My giveaway may not have had many people enter, but a blog's gotta start somewhere, right?

Now, let me get to the point.

I picked the winner through

And the third comment was:

Josie from A Wink and a Smile! Congrats, Josie!
Just send me your e-mail and I'll make sure CSN gets that gift card to you.

By the way, if you love fashion, you will adore her blog! She makes me want to actually try to be trendy with all her great finds and tips.

Thanks again for entering! And thanks to CSN for putting my very first giveaway on!

First picture via here.


Josie said...

Yayyyy! I never win anything! My dear, I am SO ridiculously excited about this!
xo Josie

The Bucket Project said...

Hi! new follower here.

Please stop by our blog and help us with our project if you have a second by answering the thing you want to do most before you "kick the bucket".

<3 Jessi

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