Saturday, April 19, 2014

I'm one of those people now

You know, those people that bore others with pictures and videos of their kid!

Since my last post was about the fourth circle of hell that has been Coleson's mood as of late (although he's much better now that we've switched formula!), I thought I'd share kind of an endearing quirk... he stops crying when I turn my iPhone camera towards him and start recording.  :)

* Here he is when he was one month old (socks on hands to prevent him from doing that creepy baby thing where they try to gouge their own eye out):

Here he is a few weeks ago:

And here he is now that we've changed formula... our happy boy again!  He loves his feet.  :)

Sorry, it's 11:30, and I just spent thirty minutes with my dad putting together Coleson's Easter present, so I have no energy to figure out how to actually embed these videos in the post.  It's probably a good thing because I don't want this blog to be entirely taken over with the bazillion of videos I've recorded!

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