Sunday, September 15, 2013

Second Trimester

 Forty-two days from my due date, and I am a happy, yet stressed out, mess.

Last week alone, I managed to lock my keys in my car, almost burn our house down, and register for the wrong graduate class.  We ripped all our window AC units for a house project the same week there were 85+ degree nights.  I had to call a cab to meet someone for lunch because I couldn't find my keys anywhere, a separate key emergency than the one I previously mentioned.  Just call us the dream team.

But I'm getting ahead of myself by skipping an entire time period!  All of the above is from the chaotic, wonderful, insane third trimester (which I will post about soon), but I realized that I never wrote much about the blissful second one.  You know, the one when it was summer and I mostly got to sleep in late and plan the nursery.  I've promised myself that I would devote at least one post to each trimester, just to record a few things for posterity's sake.  Please feel free to skip this post if you are annoyed by rundowns of this sort.  I've been there and completely understand.

Anyway, here are a few things that I want to remember:

* The last day of school last year.  I kept mum for twenty weeks, but I decided that since it was the very last day of school, I could nonchalantly confirm the whispers that I sometimes heard in class.  I called out, "So, some of you may know that I'm expecting my first baby in the fall, and here he is!" and held up the ultrasound picture.  There was a chorus of "awws" from the females and the boys barely looked up from their discussion of video games.  After that, I went back to signing everyone's yearbook.

One particularly bold girl who has always tried to talk to me like she's a mini adult had a totally different reaction that cracked me up, though.   She sauntered up to my desk and as I was about to sign her yearbook, she screeched, "I knew it!! I knew it!  There was one day when you was REAL moody and the next day you was all happy and I wondered if you were about to start your period, but then I remembered my cousin who is having a baby in the summer and I just KNEW IT!"   

That is a word for word quote, by the way.

* putting together a nursery.  Post to come, but here are a few preview shots:

Decals on the wall and furniture selected:

Painting wall decorations:

* finally feeling comfortable to take bump photos and telling my inner OCD self to shut it.  I decided that rather than boring the interweb by posting them all on here, I'll just throw together a tiny Shutterfly album for me to keep for posterity's sake once he's here.  Here are just two of them:

* heartburn that made me sleep sitting up and a baby who just loves to play on my bladder, so much so that I thought I had a UTI.  I'm not complaining as this comes with the territory and I really haven't had much to deal with in terms of side effects.  Just wanted to remember all aspects of this pregnancy, even the Tums and three hour blood tests and doctor visits.

* my mom making me a "nojito" when everyone else was drinking at the beach

Side note: I'm laughing hysterically because my mom read an obscure horror story about a women developing welts because she had some kind of a sun reaction after she made a margarita... something about citrus not jiving with UVA rays.  Notice my mom's safety precaution, rubber gloves, in this photo.

* the moment where the ultrasound technician turned the screen around to show our baby's goods and there was a definite third appendage and she said, "You two are having a son!" and I couldn't stop the tears of joy.

* cupcakes with blue icing centers. 

* the creepy blow-up baby from our CPR class and watching Dan practice mouth to mouth on it:

If I'm going to share these pictures of Dan, then you also can enjoy this extremely flattering one of me:

* when our prayers were answered  when our prayers were answered when our prayers were answered when our prayers were answered...  We are so grateful.

So that's a few of the highlights of the second trimester.  Some non-baby house posts to come and then, of course, ones about the nursery and third trimester.  Where has time gone??


Lyndsey said...

I love the black top in the first bump picture, it's very flattering. So happy for you guys! Can't wait to see pictures of the little guy.

Sally said...

You look so adorable!!

My students knew I was prego before I told them....I just pretended to ignore the whispers......and finally told them for real when I was like 17 weeks I think.

Aubrey said...

Love the highlights and that your prayers were answered :)

Laura said...

You are so cute! I'm so glad everything is going well and baby is healthy! And despite the uncomfortableness, the 3rd trimester flies by! He'll be here before you know it!

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