Tuesday, October 2, 2012

September Highlight Reel

         If I'm being honest, September has been a long month. 

I'm much better once I'm in the swing of things, but those first four weeks of school and reminding students where to turn in papers for the nine hundredth time gets old. 

That, and I also have a class this year that is pretty immature and turns anything I say into a sniggering, "that's what she said" moment. 

Like, I'll say, "I want you to work hard on this." 
**Hee hee- the teacher said "hard!  Isn't that the funniest??"** 

Or, I asked them where the comma went in the sentence "The girl wore a pink, long dress." 
** Hee hee- "pink" and "long" = penis joke! *** 

I seriously think I could say something as innocuous as "The sky is blue" and I would have some kid whisper to someone else a joke about blue balls or something.   Nothing is safe to say, folks.  That's what middle schoolers can do to you.

I had Wednesday off though, so Dan and I decided that we need to treat ourselves.  As in, we decided to slam every possible falltastic activity into that one day off: apple picking, wineries, a matinee, taking  in the sights of Charlottesville, and dinner out.   It was probably the best day of this month.  I thought I would share since I'm thinking pretty pictures are more interesting than this very long month of Back to School Night and tutoring and learning 163 student names.

We started by going to the apple orchard:

Hiking up a hill to pick apples:

I bought an apple crisp mix at the orchard that I'm dying to try once the weather cools down.  We picked way more than we'll eat, so a cobbler is definitely in order! 

Not pictured:  the apple cider and apple-butterscotch cookies we scarfed down at the hometown store at the bottom of the orchard. 

We also ate an entire box of apple cider doughnuts. I think that's called "emotional eating" when you keep saying things like "Man, I've been working hard lately.  I deserve this!"

Then, it was time to sniff, swill, and guzzle some wine:

I thought the bottles almost looked like stained glass.  Pretty, right?

I think I was tipsy after this or something because this is when the pictures stopped.  Just had to share a nice day during this long month!  Can you tell I'm craving fall??

Speaking of which, I'll share my Halloween decorations later this week!  I indulged Dan by waiting until October 1st, but then it was on!  Yay, fall!


Laura said...

Sorry about the middle schoolers. How annoying! I hope they calm down for you!

And that orchard is breathtaking! Looks like you guys had such a fun day. You deserved it. :)

Nat said...

I don't know how you teachers do it! Looks like an awesome fall day off work though!

Josie said...

I'm right there with you, doll -- I'm so glad October has arrived. It looks like you and Dan had an absolutely lovely day!
xo Josie

TheLab said...

I love the last photo - if there weren't Octobers, I wouldn't be here. Happy Birthday to ME!

Anyway, the apples (another word for BUTT CHEEKS) looked delicious and fresh (another word for FLIRTING)! Glad you had a nice time! (That's what she said).


Christen said...

Thanks for the comments, ladies! And Leslie, the "that's what she said" references are appreciated!

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