Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Fall= folk yeah!

As I copped to in my last post, nosy comments and baby frustration have been bringing me down lately.  No glossing over that it.   I see a fertility doctor for the first time next month, which makes me feel scared... but also officially lets me breathe a sigh of relief to try something new.  I need some advice other than a huffy, "Do it a lot", which was all my OBGYN said. 

 I wanted to bitch slap her.

But I am feeling better just having shared a little of this.   I also feel like fall is in full swing now, which is one thing that always improves my mood. Here are some of the more recent causes of endorphins, all fall related, of course!

I took these:

And made this:

 It was my first attempt at crisp.  It's healthy because there's apples in there, right?

It was for a get together at a friend's house where we washed it down with some apple sangria, gossiped, and carved pumpkins.  Some people's husbands came, but I didn't get on Dan about it because he's more of a beer and football kind of guy.

Dan did humor me by oohing and ahhing at  my attempt at artistic carving (fall leaves jack o' lantern):

What else?

Dan and I went here:

It was a folkin' good time!

I didn't make that pun up, but I've been looking forward to using it... twice in one post, apparently.

Lastly, I've got such good people in my life.  Like my mom, who will let me vent about anything I need to for hourse.  Or my sis and Dan who are always so supportive.  

Like my friend Missy, who came over for lunch last Saturday and brought a surprise "I know you love fall" gift, just because!   I had mentioned how much I loved this Andy Warhol soup can project from YHL to her and how I wanted to make vintagy potted plants in them for my kitchen.
Look what she brought me!

She picked up one of each can of Warhol labeled soup
 oyster crackers to enjoy with said soup
and a huge bag of pumpkin kisses!

 How pretty are these guys?

I can already see some succulents growing out of them in my kitchen...

She downplayed her amazing gift as a "little something", but let me tell you, it meant so much to me. A YHL-inspired project, fall food, and pumpkin... how awesome is this girl??

 I'm off on a weekend getaway with Dan to the mountains in a few weeks for some much needed time away with him and the season I love.  Who else is soaking October lately??


Josie said...

Those soup cans are ADORABLE. And your apple crisp looks great! It's a tradition in my family, and I love it more than life itself, no joke.
xo Josie

Lyndsey said...

I love these cans...might have to sneak out to the store and get me some.

Laura said...

I want to eat that apple crisp so much. OMG. And what a good idea to use those cans as planters! So cute!

PS- What the heck, OB??? Who says that?!

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