It all started with a trip to Ikea, also known as Dan's sixth level of hell. Guess he's not a fan of the labrinth layout or meatballs because, believe me, there was some under the breath bitching. I kind of like the occasional visit to get design ideas, though, and he was a good enough sport to go along. (On an unrelated note: If you haven't watched Ikea Heights, the amateurish soap opera filmed with hand held cameras, you need to! Start with episode 1. It's scandalous!)
Then, I bought this cheapo frame. Isn't it fussily ornate, a la the Snow White mirror?
I sprayed about two coats of white paint on it, while wearing the my ratty "painting" pajamas with the X-mas trees on them. And a gas mask. And a backwards baseball cap. And sunglasses because it was windy. And, yes, my neighbor looked over the fence when to find out what the rattling sound was (spray paint cans) and saw me donning this creepy get-up.
He didn't say hi.
Then, I spray painted the glass with one coat primer and two coats chalkboard spray. (No picture taken of this step because I was trying to hoof it back inside to avoid further skeeving out my neighbor.)
I'm still trying to decide whether to hang the final product in my office or bedroom, but here's a shot of it leaning against the wall:
Dan and I have already started to use it for little love notes, so I may end up just leaving it on my dresser.
It makes me smile! :)
Want to see another chalkboard project? Check out my chalkboard pumpkin I made for Halloween 2010.
Cute! I love how it looks in white.
Dear Christen,
You are unbelievably creative and Dan is unbelievably patient (and romantic). Very cool idea--chaulk board inside the magic mirror. And the real magic is in the love notes that are recorded. Great idea. (Too bad about the neighbor. Has he recovered?)
-- SMC
I want one! This is adorable; I'm jealous that you've gone all crafty on me... I wish I had any sense of craftiness in me...
xxoo Josie
When I visit we will go to Ikea and Chris and Dan can hang out. One time I didn't tell him where we were going because I didn't want to deal with the complaints...but of course I need him there to carry the heavy stuff!
I'd love to do that chalkboard. But in college Chris used to write "Poop" on my wipeboard on my door (drove my roommates nuts). I'm afraid he'd do the same thing if I hung up a chalkboard. No love notes in our house.
Wow wow wow! Even when I read other people's ideas, I STILL can't think of how to come up with my own! I can't even COPY other people's home decorating ideas! This stuff is just AMAZING!
Love the notes, love the idea!
That is just too cute for words! Love it!
Laura, that's funny about Chris! Yeah, Dan's been writing inappropriate things on the chalkboard too (he mostly quotes me on innocent comments that I happen to make that sounds dirty, followed by "that's what she said"). Like I said, "I need this hung well" (referring to the chalkboard) and he wrote it on the board followed by Michael Scott's classic line.
Love this - I used to have a mirror like that from Ikea, I think I got rid of it, I wish I still had it now! It would go perfect in my room! :(xx
What I good idea- I've been dying to hang a chalkboard somewhere in my house I just don't know more!
I so wish we had an Ikea in Kansas City! Love your chalkboard!
That's such a great idea! I love the final product! and chalk spray?? never heard of it!! THANKS!!! xxx :)
I don't know you, but I think I love you! I found your blog through BetterAfter. I've been searching everywhere for a great mirror for my girls' bathroom. Thanks for finding this. You're the bomb dot com, Girlfriend!
Awesome job ! Keep up the great work. Posted about your creativity over at
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