Saturday, August 8, 2009

"Just do it" #1: Serve Dan breakfast in bed

Why choose breakfast in bed as my first "just do it" challenge?

Because my husband truly deserved some stop-your-heart-buttery French toast!

If you read my previous post about going my grandma's house in Massachusetts, then you already know why he deserves this. If not, let me quickly fill you in:

My grandma is a health nut. I don't mean that she simply eats larger servings of veggies. Rather, she's made eating healthy a full-out obsession. She scrapes the cheese off pizza slices. When she does cook her sugar free desserts, she substitutes apple sauce for oil. So when she reached for diet bread, Egg Beaters, and sugar free syrup to make French toast during our latest visit, I knew it was going to suck. And, oh boy, did it. But even though it was mushier than a Lifetime movie, Dan was sweet enough to choke it down and to compliment my beloved g-ma's cooking several times.

Like I said before, the man definitely deserved to be served breakfast.

I've always held back from the whole breakfast-in-bed idea because: A.) I always sleep later than Dan. And I do mean always. and B.) I'm kind of skeeved out about getting crumbs and mushy bits of egg on our sheets. Because I had already made it my first "just do it" challenge, I decided I would stifle my urge to hit snooze and my fear of greasy fingers to actually make it happen. I'm so glad I did!

I somehow set a mental alarm to wake up earlier than him and fried up the vanilla French toast. It was fun to fuss over arranging the tray and the vase of leaves. Martha would be proud. Dan was sleepy but ecstatic when I came into the room with the tray, and he kept gushing, "You're-the- best- how- thanks- hon- did- I- get- so- lucky- best- French- toast- ever!"

(I think he was trying to butter me up to ensure future surprise breakfasts.)

I've got to say that I really loved it, too. There is something deliciously cozy about snuggling under the sheets while chatting over breakfast, especially given the fact that we somehow managed to keep the sheets free of butter smudges.

Verdict: Just Do It #1 was a success!

For my next "just do it" challenge, I'm going to try to go to a movie by myself. I read this on several other people's to do lists, and I think it's an interesting one to try. I'll keep you all posted.


Strand Family said...

Yay! I'm glad your first Just Do It was a success. I love breakfast in bed...and way to push your comfort by including a meal that needed syrup!

Aline said...

that is so sweet!

Ali said...

So impressed! He looks so happy, very worth it!

You Are My Fave said...

My grandma is the complete opposite. I just spent the weekend with her eating full fat bacon and real buttery toast. I need a cleanse.

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