How can I express how incredible the Coldplay concert was last night? Folks, as you may have gathered from my three word title, with bold punctuation between each word for emphasis, I rather enjoyed it, behaving quite similarly to how a frenzied teeny bopper at a Jonas Brothers concert might. Hoarse throat from screaming like a lunatic? Check. Dorky tearing of eyes during favorite song? Check. Standing on a chair, temporarily blocking everyone behind me, to snap a few pictures of crooning lead singer (and suppressing urge to lick his arm as he walked by)? Check.
What made the Coldplay concert such an experience? I won't say "You had to be there" because it always irritates me when some smug-ass says that, even if it may be true. It's hard to put into words, but this being a blog, I'll try...
Well, how about if I were to tell you about how when the entire amphitheater was plunged into darkness, and Chris Martin whispered, "Is anyone out there? If I could hear anyone out there, we might play a song called 'Yellow'"? When my ears were officially bleeding from torrential outpour of screams and whistles, the lights shot on and huge soft yellow balloons were dreamily bouncing everywhere, bursting into showers of sparkles. I felt like I was in a Beatle-style, trippy cartoon.
Or I could tell that when they played the catchy "Lovers in Japan", thousands of multicolored butterflies shot into the air. Everyone in the audience (drunk frat boys, older couples, teenagers) put their hands up into the swarm of paper butterflies and were catching them, sharing them, etc.
You might want to hear that the highlight of the concert was when the entire band walked off stage, came through the crowds (cue me screeching), and sang a few acoustic songs on mini stages scattered throughout the lawn area. This is a picture I snapped of Chris Martin...
Pretty close, huh?
I could tell you about how Coldplay organized a massive version of "the wave" (yes, like at a baseball game) with illuminated cell phones, or how EVERYONE crooned along when the band sang The Monkeys' "I'm a believer", or how about 50% of the crowd's couples were kissing during "The Scientist", or how Chris Martin sincerely thanked the crowd several times, or how EVERY person was given a C.D. of nine Coldplay songs after the show (containing everything from "Clocks" to "Viva la Vida").
I could list the ONLY possible ways the concert could have been even better: 1.) Gwyneth could have been dancing next to me, we become best friends, she tells me to call her "Gwynnie", and Dan and I go on a double date with her and Chris after the show. 2.) Honestly, I've got nothing else!
Maybe I should just stick with my title: Best. Concert. Ever.
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