Wednesday, May 15, 2013

First Trimester

Your comments on my last post each made me smile!  Thank you so much for each one!  Oh, and feel free to skip this post if you are not in the "hear about baby stuff" mood.  I've been there and completely understand.

Anyway, writing about being pregnant the other day made it seem a bit more real. I guess it still hasn't fully sunk in.  And it probably hasn't helped that during my first trimester, I had an almost OCD-like tendency of stopping myself from fully celebrating or recording every moment because I was so afraid of losing.  It was getting to the point where I was acting a little crazy. Like at six weeks, I started feeling the same weird, horrible, period-like back pains that I had before my previous loss, and I completely lost it with a co-worker, gulping out "I think I might be about to miscarry!" between quiet sobbing. I walked right by adorable gender-neutral bibs I would have loved to have bought, oddly thinking that dolling out five bucks on a baby item would somehow jinx our future happiness.  I waited until ten weeks to take my first picture of myself. When I never got nausea even once, I spent an hour Googling "no morning sickness bad sign??" and reading Yahoo answer boards.  Little tip:  Googling fears is never a good idea.

Now, though, I've decided it's time to record all the joy of this first trimester! First, I decided that I just had to tell my family in a fun way: customized fortune cookies.  They love a surprise, so I thought it would be different to reveal the news creatively.

  I bought a box of store-bought fortune cookies and printed out little slips of paper that read,
 Baby T (hopefully) coming in Fall 2013!

(Note that the OCD side of me just had to insert that desperate word "hopefully"...) 

Then, I found super easy directions (from here) on how to make customized fortune cookies online and spent a half hour fashioning about a dozen of them.   Lastly, I jazzed them up by following more online directions on how to make them fancy with chocolate and sprinkles.

This was taken about three weeks later, which is why they look a little gross now- ha ha!

Anyway, my parents stopped by on their way through town when I was barely seven weeks along.  While Dan and my dad picked up the take-out Chinese food, my mom asked me how I was doing with the baby stuff.  I, of course, answered in my best Eeyore tone: "Oh, you know, I'm plugging along" while thinking "Can. Not. Wait. Until. Dessert. Time. CanNOTwaituntildesserttime!"

After dinner, I put out the plate of cookies.  My mom broke hers open first.  "You are!?!"  I nodded and then she was tearing up and hugging and wooping.  My dad never had a chance to read his but didn't need to. Hugs, wooping, me recounting how I said "thank you" to the fertility doctor for doing the HSG which, I believe, was key in all of this, to which Dan joked to both of us, "Hey, I think I had something to do with it too!"  Ba dum ching. We all held hands and dad gave the most beautiful prayer.  I remember looking up and seeing my handsome husband's face streaked with tears.  I'll never forget that moment.

Telling my sister was hilarious.  She came in town for a wedding a week later, so I gave her a leftover fortune cookie saying, "It was Foreign Language Week at school and I know you love these, so I grabbed a few from the resource room."  She snapped hers open... and her face went completely white.  She looked completely aghast.

Me:  "What does yours say?"

Her: ...

Me:  "Does it say anything interesting?"

Her:  Uh...

Me:  "Um...It's true!  I am."

Her:  "Huh?" 

Me: "I'm pregnant!"


Me: EEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!! 
(Screaming, hugging, screaming)

Her:  "I was so upset!  When you said you got it from the resource room during Foreign Language Week, I thought some bitch at your school made the cookies because she thought you might get pregnant before then, and I was trying to think of how to lie to you about the fortune cookie message.  You told me about how some of the older teachers are always saying insensitive things, and I was about to cut somebody for this one!"

I told Bethany that her niece or nephew was the size of a rapberry, so the next day over brunch, she plucked a raspberry off her dessert and made me pose with it.  (Yep, the below photo looks like she's cupping my boob, but she's actually pointing at my non-existent bump.)

She has called him or her "Raspberry" ever since.  "How's my raspberry doing??"  "Has Raspberry kicked yet??"  Finally, I made the point that our little guy or gal is (hopefully... yes, there's that word again) much, much bigger now and demanded that she change it to Razbaby instead.  Bethany has never held back on her absolute giddiness, which was refreshing when I was sick with worry, but she obliged me anyway. 

Last weekend, she gave me the most perfect gift, simply saying,

 "This is for my Razbaby":

Not sure if you can tell, but that is a raspberry shaped teether. :)

In short, people have been so sweet and excited and amazing.  Just for fun, I thought I'd share this photo of two little gifts from one of my crazy generous best friends:
Is that video not pefect??

And I was completely over-whelmed by this last gesture.  When I finally entered week 14, out of the endless first trimester, my mom was smiling and handed me an enormous bag.  She had wanted to wait until I was in a slightly safer time zone, but she and my dad had decided to surprise me with 14 little presents:    one for each week.  They had known how I had been trying to temper my excitement to "protect" myself, but I guess they couldn't anymore.

There are no words for how generous and loving this was.  I'm still speechless.

I promise that this blog won't become only about baby stuff!   It just feels so good to finally talk about some of the joy of that whirlwind first few weeks.  It crawled by at the time, but now I can't believe I'm into the second one already...


Aubrey said...

Still SO HAPPY for you! Your family is just adorable! And I love tor sisters reaction o the fortune cookie :). You guys are so cute!

Nat said...

Awwww I love the way you told your family!! Your parents gift to you made me tear up, so so sweet! I've just learned to enjoy my pregnancy day by day and week by week. Oh and stay away from Google and crazy pregnancy message boards!!

Mrs. 5C said...

I love your smile in all of these pictures. I am SO SO SO excited for you! And I'd LOVE it if you turned this into a baby blog! That's the most exciting thing in your life right now!
PS: HCG was TOTALLY worth it, right? ;)

karen said...

Such a happy post! And such continued excitement for you and Dan. After the worry of the first, it does get so much easier. Enjoy the rest of your pregnancy - I was much of the same way when I was pregnant with Naomi, and I feel like I missed so much (example - I didn't want any pictures of me pregnant in case "hopefully" didn't work out, and now I am sad because I have exactly one accidental photo of me pregnant).

Moral of the story: Enjoy it :) and remember this time! Oh, and tell your sister that "Rasbaby" is the cutest thing ever in the history of the world. Will you all be finding out if it's a ras-boy or ras-girl?

Sally said...

So so so so sweet! What amazing stories you have of telling your family! LOL @ your sis's thoughts!! And your parents!!! 14 little gifts!! They have to be the BEST parents EVER!! Congrats and good luck on continuing journey thru second tri :)) xo

Josie said...

Your way of telling people was ADORABLE, doll! And your friends are the sweetest!
xo Josie

Strand Family said...

I'm with Mrs.5C -- I totally want a baby blog :) I love all the presents your parents bought you. So nice! Try to put the worry aside as much as you can. I look back on Penny's first year and I wish I hadn't been so nervous. I probably would have enjoyed her baby time so much more.

Meghan said...

I love everything about this post! I love the cookies, the gifts, the happiness - I could go on! I hope you are feeling wonderful!

Holly said...

Hope you and little raz-baby are doing great! :)

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