Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Currently loving...

1. These pictures from my new favorite website HeyGirlTeacher that has dorky  sexy messages for teachers, like:
and this...
and one of my favorites:

Bahaha!   LOVE it.

2.  Lame games-  For my birthday last weekend, my friend Mali brought over a game called HeadBandz she plays with her nieces and nephews.  They're all under the age of eight.  I turned 31.  I'm pretty sure we enjoyed it just about the same.

Basically the game consists of wearing headbands, sticking a card that you don't look at into the front, and asking questions to figure out what is written on the card.

Don't you love how it looks like we are at a Roaring 20's party or something?
Anyway, the game was kind of unintentionally hilarious, especially because we were drinking and the husbands refused to play but made snide comments as we did.  Like at one point, when Missy was trying to figure out that her card said, "I am a mushroom", Dan blurted out, "Think 'Phish concert'!"   Which brings me to the next addictive game:

3.  The App "Draw Something".  Have an iPhone?  Like Pictionary?  Get it, immediately.   It's awesome.  My sister, the Draw Something pro, actually got me to guess "Katniss" from Hunger Games the other day.   (Although the below pic is not hers; I got it from here.) 

4.  My new camera!   I finally bought a DSLR with the tutoring money I've saved since September.  Not really sure how to use anything, so I've been reading this:

Pretentious shots of trees and flowers coming soon!  


Josie said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, doll! So exciting. And hooray for your new camera -- can't wait to see all of your fabulous pictures!
xo Josie

Strand Family said...

I love the heygirlteacher photots. Those are hilarious!
Good luck with the new camera. I still do mine on the automatic settings most of the time. The big difference is the speed. I click the button and it snaps the photos right away. Makes such a difference!

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