Saturday, December 24, 2011

Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus

I believe because he made one of my husband's biggest wishes come true. And on Christmas Eve at that. Nice work, Santa.

Dan has been in a fantasy football league for the past seven years. Each September, he shells out 100 bucks in order to join the trash talk and male bonding that is fantasy football. He seems to forget that I know nothing about sports and agonizes over who to start each week to me. Anyway, he is the complete underdog. He has come in last place twice and almost last several other times. He's even been forced to work the fantasy football board at their draft, which is the equivalent of being the "asshole" in the popular college drinking game by the same title. Dan and his friends are pretty merciless at heckling one another, so when he was in last place there was no shortage of comments requesting that he turn in his "man card". In short, he had no where to go but up.

By the way, if you are like me and totally unathletic and are about to stop reading, I promise that is the extent that I will discuss fantasy football. I'm also going to end with belated pictures of my holiday decor. Stick with it. You're almost done.

Somehow, Dan made it to the final "superbowl" in his fantasy league this year. The culminating "game" was on Christmas Eve. (Notice the over-use of quotation marks as fantasy football is still crazy confusing to me). He kept sneaking peaks at the computer to see the score in between opening fabulous gifts and our decadent crabcake dinner. When he realized that he had squeaked by a win, he launched into a full-on happy dance complete with fist pumping. The conversation went like this:

Dan: YES!

My mom: What's going on?!


Me: Hit refresh to make sure.

My dad: Did you win?


Me: You did it? You actually won?

Dan: YUHHH HUHHHH! *&%* yeah!!!!! WOOO

Me: Seriously? That's great, hon!

Dan: HOOOOOO!!!!!!!

Yes, on that magical Christmas Eve, my husband couldn't stop himself from relishing in his win. His text to his friends that night?

Merry Christmas and a happy new year, from your league's champion!

Hope you all suck less in 2012.

On second thought, maybe Santa created a monster...

As promised, I thought I'd share a few rather blurry photos of my holiday decor to inject some estrogen into this post:







If these twelve days of Christmas plates don't counterbalance all the football talk, I don't know what will...




Hope you all had a wonderful holiday with your families!


Josie said...

I love the silver leaf wreath. And HOORAY for Dan!
xo Josie

Christen said...

Thanks, Josie! Hope your holiday was great!!

Holly said...

I love those plates! The rest of your decorations are cute too!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, Dan!!!!!!!!!

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