Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Just call me Jessie Spano

I'm one step away from a... gasp! ... caffeine pill fueled freakout like this infamous scene in Saved By the Bell:

It's too boring to go into every detail, but the short of it is: too much work and no play makes Christen a dull girl.  I guess I'm mixing my metaphors pop culture references, but you get the idea:
  School is busy. 
My graduate class is ending (yay!) and of course, there is a marathon of a project and test due at the same time (gah..).  
 I'm nervous about an upcoming fertility treatment: an HSG.  Who out there has gone through this?? Where on the pain scale was it for you??   I'm officially freaked out after reading these comments on a fertilitiy blog, including this one:

Holy hell.

And how has your December been?  


Strand Family said...

You've got a ton going on! So I had to look up HSG because I didn't know what it was. You've probably seen this but here was the comment on pain from WebMD How It Feels

You probably will feel some cramping like menstrual cramps during the test. The amount of pain you have depends on what problems the doctor finds and treats during the test.

So maybe that woman had a blockage moved during the treatment or something. Those pages are so dangerous, but hard to stay away from. I remember before my surgery I spent hours looking at pictures of ovarian cysts. Why?!

I'll be sending you good thughts!

Nat said...

Booo all work and no play in December is just wrong!!
One of my best friends just did the HSG test and she said it was painful but not that bad at all, she only took the day of the test off work and was fine after that. Good luck, I hope they can give you a diagnosis or point you in the right direction.

Josie said...

I totally knew what you were referencing as soon as I read this title -- and I'm right there with you. School is out of control. I wish I could help you out with the HSG thing, but I have zero insight -- just keep in mind that if you get a baby out of it, it will be totally worth it!
xo Josie

Laura said...

Dang girl! That is a lot of stuff happening right before the holidays!

I hope your HSG goes well! That comment is scary, but it sounds like a worst case scenario, hopefully! I'll be thinking of you and hoping it isn't as bed as that! I'm sure you'll be fine. :)

Christen said...

Thanks for the blog love, guys!! Laura S, you are probably right about Googling medical stuff... it never seems to be the answer. Josie, I'm sending out virtual luck to get you through your finals! Oh, and Nat, thanks for telling me about your friend. That actually made me feel a ton better; I can handle pain, just not "worse than having twins" pain.

Little update: I officially did have a Spano-esque break last night and Dan and I decided the HSG will have to wait until January. I need more "fa la la la la" in my life :)

Mrs. 5C said...

I had both an HSG and a fluid-infusion sonogram. The HSG was done by my RE and the sonogram was done later (when we had no other tests left to give us a reason we couldn't have babies and had given up on treatments).
The HSG was EASY. But I attribute that to taking massive doses (as instructed) of tylenol and ibuprofen 4 hours, 2 hours, and immediately before before the test, and that's a procedure that my RE does all the time.
The sonogram was just as painful as labor was. It was awful. But I didn't pre-medicate and my OB doesn't do those things all day every day. AND there's something to be said for the fact that when we did the HSG we were hopeful, when we did the sonogram we were in a very sad place.
HOWEVER, I think it should also be noted that the cycle immediately after HSG/fluid infusion tends to be a productive one. Katherine was concievd without any fertility meds the cycle immediately after we did the sonogram. Coincidence? Maybe. But I'd say that alone makes it worth it.
Also... with any vaginal procedure: WIGGLE YOUR TOES. It's hard to think about your vagina and your toes at the same time.
GOOD LUCK! I'll keep you in my prayers!

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