Friday, February 5, 2010

The Office

No, not this office:

My office! I finally am getting around to posting my pictures of my (very) mini office makeover. Remember how I talked about redoing my office this past summer? No? Well, it happened. I actually finished my mini-office makeover several months ago, but now that we have our house on the market, I figured I'd show it off before it was too late.

This is by no means some amazing makeover, but I thought it turned out pretty decent for under $200.

Here's the breakdown:
* Can of paint (Behr's wheat bread)- $30
* Sample size jar of paint (Behr's ballerina pink) - $5
* Frame from Target- $17 (all other frames I already owned)
* Lamp from Ikea- $15
* Two pink vases from Ikea- $10
* Boxes from Ikea- $15
* Curtains from Ikea $40
* Four Anthropologie mugs to spell out "WORK" (idea from YHL!)- $24
* Chair from Ikea- $15
* White paint- leftover from doing trim around house- $0
* Crate and Barrel "ABC" bookends- free (Christmas gift!)

Full office shot before:

I primed and painted the walls a soft gray, hung curtains, and painted all the furniture white.

Here was our organization system before:

Organizational system after:

I bought four huge white boxes and two smaller ones, labeled them, and organized everything. I also painted the back of the bookshelf pink to make the boxes stand out. I use the "WORK" mugs to store pens, paper clips, and rubber bands.

Our desk area before:

Desk area after:

I printed some favorite photos in black and white and framed them. I also framed a caricature of Dan and I that we had drawn at a fancy NYE party.

I also framed a few photo strips of me and my sis and a few of me and my hubby. I painted the matting the same ballerina pink in order to break up all the white.

It's not exactly a full blown makeover, but a decent start. Just wanted to share! :)


micah said...

What an improvement! I love the wall color and the painted white furniture. Great job!

Josie said...

It's so, so pretty -- love it. I think offices/desk areas are so important because you need to feel inspired while doing work.
Can't wait for more :)
xxoo Josie

Strand Family said...

That's a full blown makeover in my house! It looks great. I want your organization system! So do you really keep the desk that neat or did you have to move all the papers off so you could take pictures? :) That's what would happen at my house.

Hattie said...

pretty! Don't you love how white paint makes everything look better? I have two bookcases in line for a coat of white paint this summer.

I'm drooling over those anthro mugs!

Carrie Hewitt said...

Looks awesome! I would love an office makeover...right now we have Dora and Backyardigans painted on our office/playroom/guestroom walls..he he!

Heather said...

I LOVE the office makeover!!! Would you like to come give mine a makeover now? :) I really like the "work" mugs! That's super cute and practical!!! You did a wonderful job!!

TheLab said...

MINI? Please tell me what is MINI about this!?!???!

WHOA. I am in SHOCK. This was better than watching HGTV because a real person really did it in real life. REALLY!

I'm seriously amazed - this takes talent. WOW.

Aline said...

it looks awesome!!

Anonymous said...

You have such an eye for simplicity and beauty. YOou've become the "fix it" woman too! Wonder where you learned that? -SMC

Kelly!@TearingUpHouses said...

ah, i was wondering what those mugs said at first! smart!


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